Is there any benefit to host my own instance?

    • No worries, this is a fairly complex piece of software. If you really want to though, try copy pasting your errors into chatgpt if you can. While not perfect, it usually can give you an idea of what steps are going wrong. Some of us can help you too, but it’s no pressure. Being a part of the community is more than just the machines, it’s the friends we made along the way.

        • Of course, the most important aspect of fixing a problem, is writing down how you fixed it. Never know what a different, but similar problem might crop up again. Sometimes getting a quick answer, or having a human readable explanation for an error goes a long way. Often enough I’ll have complex logs entries that I can’t parse what the problem actually is, I can quick copy paste and get a normal people paragraph. Sometimes “os: error (-4) aborting” actually just means you forgot to change user permissions on your volume folder. In a perfect world, all program’s logs would be perfectly readable by machines and people at the same time. :P

      •  marsta   ( ) 
        12 years ago

        Yeah that’s why I’m hoping on more guides to pop up soon. After successfully setting it up there seemed to be a communication issue in the backend throwing 404 errors and the interface became inaccessible. More luck tomorrow hopefully

    •  Juniper   ( ) 
      42 years ago

      Not sure if you got it sorted or not, but if you were following the docker-compose method documented by the devs, there were a couple hurdles I ran into. The one that may be relevant here is that at some point their docker-compose.yml did not expose the Lemmy backend to the Internet, and so all federation was failing. That said, I checked just now and they seem to have fixed that issue upstream. So you should be able to re-pull their docker-compose.yml and it should work.