Is there any benefit to host my own instance?

  • I run my own instance, the benefit is privacy and reliability. Everything is controlled on your own server. You also aren’t reliant on someone else running an instance that could go down at any time, either permanently or an outage. Been a problem with recently.

      • A balancing act for sure. I’m torn on the topic. With some much excitement right now but so little history there’s a lot of uncertainty where to “plant your flag”. Part of me wants to setup my own instance simply so I maintain control of my identity should .world suddenly disappear. On the other hand now I have the responsibility of making sure I don’t make myself disappear. The mental debate will continue.

      • Kind of both. His server has a mirror of the community. When he comments it gets saved on his server and the his server communicates with the original server. In turn the original server also communicates his comment with other federated servers.

        •  pzza   ( ) 
          11 year ago

          If data is migrated from server to server, as the community grows in size, the data to be maintained on each server also grows in size? Also i’ve seen some servers allow the creation of new users/communities, but some don’t… whats the point of that if the data is just replicated anyway?

          •  jcg   ( ) 
            21 year ago

            Yes that’s right, an instance is constantly accumulating data over time, however instances that aren’t the origin instance have the option of going back and deleting old posts (manually in the DB) but then their users wouldn’t be able to see them anymore. I do get the concern though, if things really start to pickup and we get insane volume, I’m afraid even my instance wouldn’t be able to pick up. I’d have to unsubscribe from everything. On the other hand, I think people will come up with solutions as things scale. There’s a lot of unknowns right now, too many to build a solution. Just take a look at mastodon and how its model has changed over time.

        •  pzza   ( ) 
          11 year ago

          If data is migrated from server to server, as the community grows in size, the data to be maintained on each server also grows in size? Also i’ve seen some servers allow the creation of new users/communities, but some don’t… whats the point of that if the data is just replicated anyway?

      •  Lucas   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        I believe it is saved first on the instance you’re signed up for, then gets pushed around the network using the Activity pub protocol. So it eventually ends up being stored across many instances of it has far enough reach.

    • How is your RAM/storage usage? I’m interested in setting up my own instance (no communities, just a username that will always be here) but don’t want to upgrade my VPS again. I already had to do that spinning up a Mastodon server.

  • I did. The benefits as I see them:

    • I can still use Lemmy if the instance I would have used as my “home instance” ever went down.
    • Even if a public instance doesn’t go down, all this extra load is making strange bugs surface that I don’t encounter (I still have the live refresh bug everyone has, but not this one).
    • I have full control over my account.
    • If I ever want to get to customizing my UI later, I can.
    • Content I create originates on my instance, and I have full control over it. I can’t stop other instances from caching what I post publicly, but this still gives me more data governance.
    • I can curate my “All” tab to only show stuff I actually want to see, instead of trying to figure out how to block communities (not sure if that’s possible for regular users).
    • I get a custom domain which I think is pretty neat.
  •  jon   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    From what I’ve seen and read, server to server traffic is less taxing on instances than client to server. So even if your instance is JUST you, it would be your instance talking to everything else so it would have some net benefit on the federation. But it would take a lot of users self-hosting solo instances for this to help in any noticeable way, I’d think.

    There is certainly no downside to running a solo instance, if you’re even slightly interested I would say go for it!

    •  Album   ( ) 
      61 year ago

      It’s only less taxing if it’s multiple ppl on an instance.

      If every solo user spun up an instance just for themselves there wouldn’t be a benefit over all those users just signing up directly to an existing instance.

      Eg 5 users on instance b trying to access instance a Is better then 5 users each with their own instance trying to access instance a.

      • If every solo user spun up an instance just for themselves there wouldn’t be a benefit over all those users just signing up directly to an existing instance.

        Not quite true… There’s a ton of sql queries that go on to show you the correct content for your user. Showing the correct subscriptions, applying the correct “bans” etc… Further sessions management of the user logging in itself… Direct messages, inbox management… etc…

        Just the raw content being sent to sync is just minimal text data that’s effectively broadcasted. The stress of that is virtually nothing in comparison.

        The break even is that a ton of data might sync that you never look at… but it’s a broadcast of sorts. So that’s a bit of a non issue.

      • Wouldn’t it still be a bit less taxing even with only one user? If I’m not mistaken then your instance only initially requests a community/post/comment from another instance when you specifically search for it. After that your server gets updates through activities pushed by the other instance. So if you refresh a post multiple times those requests only go to your instance. It somewhat acts like a cache, while the other instance can push activities at it’s own pace instead of being hammered with requests. Of course multiple users per instance would still be better.

    •  Kaldo   ( ) 
      11 year ago

      Doesn’t all content get copied between instances when someone subscribes to it? Basically, someone from instance A subscribes to instance B and then instance A has to copy over the content from B?

      With that in mind, wouldn’t it just cause more overall data duplication rather than any performance improvement?

  •  idle   ( ) 
    211 year ago

    I did it. So far I’ve noticed a few things, for example you have to populate/federate the communities yourself, and it can take a long time. It took hours to retrieve and catch up all the posts. I expect it to be an ongoing thing. When you first connect to a community, it downloads the first 20 posts, but all the comments are empty.

    The plus side though is it is very fast for me. And nobody can delete my profile.

      • You gotta remember, The blackout brought us refugees I don’t think lemmy planned for this. I think the updates that are coming will address all of this. Reddit is decades old. Lemmy is new to all of us. We just gotta wait and eventually it will become second nature and we will be as good as Reddit

        • Oh totally. It wasn’t a knock at the software at all. In fact. I’m surprised by how well this works as a drop-in replacement for Reddit for me and both Lemmy and Kbin are solid.

          The reason I asked was that, with my single-user Mastodon instance, likes/boosts and comments are nearly always incomplete on my server just because of the way federation works. I was just wondering if that was something smaller instances had to deal with in perpetuity or if it was just a one-off issue that happened at the start.

          The OP commented below saying that comments appeared to be loading instantaneously after that initial hiccup.

    • I like running my own too, and agree it’s a bit of a chore to get content.

      I feel the biggest hurdle is finding communities. I wish the instance would automatically index communities from federated instances. I don’t mean track posts/comments, just keep a record of the communities existence.

      Looking them up elsewhere, then searching locally, waiting for it to work, then subscribing is a bit of work and I’ve only bothered with about 10 so far.

  •  fcuks   ( ) 
    191 year ago

    In my navigation of the fediverse the last few days I’ve noticed a few people running instances of mastodon and lemmy with just themselves or 1 or 2 other people etc.

    If you into tinkering and selfhosting, why not :D Means you’re in full control of what other instances you federate with/can see etc.

    • No worries, this is a fairly complex piece of software. If you really want to though, try copy pasting your errors into chatgpt if you can. While not perfect, it usually can give you an idea of what steps are going wrong. Some of us can help you too, but it’s no pressure. Being a part of the community is more than just the machines, it’s the friends we made along the way.

        • Of course, the most important aspect of fixing a problem, is writing down how you fixed it. Never know what a different, but similar problem might crop up again. Sometimes getting a quick answer, or having a human readable explanation for an error goes a long way. Often enough I’ll have complex logs entries that I can’t parse what the problem actually is, I can quick copy paste and get a normal people paragraph. Sometimes “os: error (-4) aborting” actually just means you forgot to change user permissions on your volume folder. In a perfect world, all program’s logs would be perfectly readable by machines and people at the same time. :P

      •  marsta   ( ) 
        11 year ago

        Yeah that’s why I’m hoping on more guides to pop up soon. After successfully setting it up there seemed to be a communication issue in the backend throwing 404 errors and the interface became inaccessible. More luck tomorrow hopefully

    •  Juniper   ( ) 
      41 year ago

      Not sure if you got it sorted or not, but if you were following the docker-compose method documented by the devs, there were a couple hurdles I ran into. The one that may be relevant here is that at some point their docker-compose.yml did not expose the Lemmy backend to the Internet, and so all federation was failing. That said, I checked just now and they seem to have fixed that issue upstream. So you should be able to re-pull their docker-compose.yml and it should work.

  • I host my own instance, but I like selfhosting as a hobby. I really love having all my account/login stuff on my own hardware and my own backups. If I break something, its just my own stuff that broken, no harm done to any other users. I don’t really plan on hosting any of my own communities, just participating in others. I’m an avid seflhoster, and my setup is pretty exotic compared to the vast majority of hosters, but I got the whole thing working perfectly over a day. Much better than when I tried to get mastodon working. More power to more fediverse stuff though.

  • I started my own instance and do currently not intend to open it for others (besides, maybe, close friends and family).

    My intention are

    • to learn more about the concepts
    • evaluate how reliable the replication of comments and posts works
    • maybe create my own pseudo-community just for myself, as kind of a simplified blog

    Reading other posts in this sub, I saw it is still seen as offloading the main servers, as the replication of the data is a low load compared to serving the UI. Maybe one of these motivations apply to you, too? Or you find another one? At the end of the day, host your own instance if you want to :-)

    • Is there a tutorial or something out there? I’ve got no background in any of this but would like to maybe give it a go myself at some point. Would you be willing to say how much it costs as well?

      • Depends, what do you mean with “no background in any of this”? I started yesterday and set up the instance within 3h, starting around 1h after I saw the name “Lemmy” the first time. I still have to iron out some issues.

        But I do have a strong background with docker, Linux administration, networking, and generally DevOps, and I do have a virtual root server up and running for some time.

        If you have no background in docker and Linux (administration), I would say you’d do better focusing on smaller things, running some servers locally in docker and so on. There should be lots of opportunities to have a quick success to build up on.

        If you have that background already and only have no background in the topics of Fediverse and Lemmy, provides some relatively easy to follow instructions.

        The costs are basically the costs of an always on Linux server, preferably with a fixed IP address. I’m not sure what you would pay wherever you live, I pay ~15€/month for 8GB, 4 cores, virtual root server with my own domain name.

        • But I do have a strong background with docker, Linux administration, networking, and generally DevOps, and I do have a virtual root server up and running for some time.

          By no background I mean nothing in any of that at all 😂. The only mildly relevant thing I have a background in is bioinformatics but even that’s a stretch…

          However, I did also have 0 background in 3D modelling, 3D printing or handwiring keyboards and now I’ve made quite a few that all work so… We’ll see! (I guess lol)

  • I think it’s a matter of personal preference.

    I’ve been running my own Mastodon instance for several months now, and I’ve enjoyed it. I don’t have to rely on someone else, either, which is nice. I’m in control of everything on that instance.

    As for Lemmy, I just started my own instance today, and am currently writing you from it. What made me decide to setup my own instance was some performance issues I was seeing with, although that might have been an UI problem. Anyway, I enjoy doing this stuff, so I’m running my own instance for the sake of doing it.

    On the flip side, it’s more expensive and time consuming, and I’m the one who has to worry about backing up data, etc. Like I said, though, I enjoy doing it, so it’s no big deal.

    • As someone who likes having control over their data and especially backups, and someone who normally enjoys self-hosting things, I honestly might do it. I’m not sure if I’d want to host a lemmy instance or kbin instance though, since I know they all federate together anyway. I may also end up waiting until the software is more mature too before looking into it.

      •  jcg   ( ) 
        31 year ago

        Personally, I went with Lemmy because it seems to be quite a bit further along in it’s development. It also doesn’t look like kbin’s developer is recruiting much outside help, if you look at the repos of the two projects on GitHub/Codeberg, Lemmy has tons of contributions from people while kbin is mostly just the one guy with a few commits here and there. Not to mention that Lemmy’s way less of a resource hog because it’s written in Rust whereas kbin is implemented in PHP. Also, as far as I know federation is still currently broken on kbin.

        •  ipkpjersi   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          The reason why I’d consider kbin is because I almost think I might prefer the interface, also I’m more of a PHP developer myself so that is tempting in and of itself too lol

          I may wait a little bit before trying out either one tbh and maybe I’ll give both of them a try.

      • That’s awesome! Running my own social media instances has become a hobby for me.

        Having my own Lemmy instance has felt fairly seamless versus using, but there have been some kinks. For example, when attempting to subscribe to a new community, the server has to pull a bunch of data first. This takes several seconds, but the UI simply says “not found” – and then after several seconds, the UI updates with the community you want to follow. I figured this out by tailing the logs.

        Also, the installation was pretty damn easy, especially when compared to Mastodon.

        •  ipkpjersi   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          I’d maybe be interested in trying out self-hosting Mastodon at some point too, good to hear that Lemmy was easy to install though. I’m not too worried since I have quite a bit of Linux experience, I figure it probably won’t be too bad to setup whatever social media instances I’m interested in checking out.

          • Yeah, if you’ve got a decent amount of Linux experience, I don’t think you’ll have any issues. Mastodon’s installation is well-documented and works. My only criticism is that it’s a bit long and you have to be careful not to miss anything.

            On the other hand, I recall installing Pixelfed back several months ago and having a difficult time. The documentation was lacking, and it required me to use Arch Linux, which I had never used. I was able to get it working, but eventually terminated the instance after a while because I was never using it.

    • I run my own Mastodon instance, but for Lemmy it seemed more logical to join an existing instance that aligned with my interests. I wouldn’t be adverse to abandoning my self-hosted Mastodon for a shared instance, but I would prefer a small instance run by and for people I know, rather than one of the huge ones.

      • What might make you want to ditch your self-hosted Mastodon instance?

        With Lemmy, I didn’t feel a need to pick any specific instance because I can follow communities from anywhere, and it seems to work pretty well.

        One downside I’ve encountered with my own Lemmy instance is that post and comment history in the communities I follow begins when I started following them on my new instance. New posts and comments are federated my way, going forward, but I don’t have the ability to go back and view as much history as one would on or, for example.

          • Yes, there is electricity.

            I think Internet connectivity could also be an issue, unless you have an ISP that’s friendly to you running a publicly accessible server on your Internet connection at home.

            •  maynarkh   ( ) 
              1 year ago

              Could you run a local server on your desktop that you only turn on whenever as a client? I don’t really understand the Fediverse’s architecture yet, but as far as I saw instances being down are not a big problem beyond not being able to log in if it’s your home instance, and communities fracturing to separate discussions in other instances’ local federation caches that only get resynced when the thing comes back up.

              What prevents me from running my own instance as a very heavy client? Discounting the public DNS + static globally routable IP part as those can be solved IMO.

              • I’ve wondered that myself, and I don’t know, to be honest, but there are some issues you’d certainly encounter. For example, if you posted any media it would need to be somewhere “always on” or remote instances and users might not be able to see it unless they managed to cache it on time. It means that your posts URL wouldn’t be accessible, and such would only be available on servers to which it has already federated. There may be other issues, too, such as queues only keeping undelivered messages for so long, etc.

                I’m sure someone with a good understanding of ActivityPub could explain whether or not this is possible.

              • Yes you could, but if your instance is down often, it might be that there is some timeout in ActivityPub when your instance will be marked as gone for others and might not get new content once it is up again.

    •  jcg   ( ) 
      21 year ago
      • only the ones that host communities you subscribe to, in fact you can specifically whitelist certain instances
      • yes, comments and posts made from other instances are forwarded on to subscribers
      • yes, for the same reason
  • I was discussing this with other lemmings on matrix and it seems there is not much help if you dont have a community to build on your own instance. Now if you do host for yourself then you can federate with other instances to subscribe and pull from their communities which does reduce the total load on those services but that is about it.

    Communities are going to Win/Loose based on personalities and critical mass, and the people hosting those communities will just have to increase their hosting needs.

    • Now if you do host for yourself then you can federate with other instances to subscribe and pull from their communities which does reduce the total load on those services but that is about it.

      That is the main thing I’m doing, personally.

      Communities are going to Win/Loose based on personalities and critical mass, and the people hosting those communities will just have to increase their hosting needs.

      Speaking of hosting, I got to thinking what might happen when a community needs to move to another server. I wonder if some day we’ll see a solution similar to Mastodon’s where users can move their accounts and/or entire communities between Lemmy instances.