Out of curiosity before midnight, I’ve been lurking in incognito to see what subreddits appear and I saw WhitePeopleTwitter has a long post and is choosing to stay open.

WhitePeopleTwitter shows solidarity with the current protests on reddit against the fundamental changes to site architecture.

This moderated thread will remain open for everyone to comment in.

The comments that are in-favor of a real ‘blackout’ are being deleted.

I was even banned for commenting complicity. Interested to hear people’s takes. Anyone else face a similar story or think it’s justified?

  • I think we’re seeing the beginnings of what I call the “Reddit Schism”. Once the cats started appearing, it has become official. We are no longer redditors.

    Our fruits have become soured, and have soured us, with the latest news from Reddit. Let us, the “lemons” move onto the welcoming arms of the federation!