• Hmmm. I’d say for me, personally, it’s less about what I did and more the stuff that happened to/around me. Most of them are common-ish on their own, but all of them together are a bit weird.

    To name a few:

    • Divorced parnents

    • neglectful/abusive parents

    • Multiple childhood friends died via unrelated unnatural means right around the time they reached adulthood

    • Born and half-raised near the location ofTrinity test bomb explosion

    • moved to/ half-raised at one of the meeting locations for the MK Ultra experiments

    • Teenage son of close family friends when I was smol turned out to be a child molestor (dw, i was safe)

    There’s some more, but that’s all i feel like writing

    In context of the post I guess this would be considered “plot-driven character development”