• shes wrong about the second part if she said that, it just means you dont care enough about their position (/ them) to stop you or you believe in art ≠ artist. about the first part, it’s too vague for me to take a stance on. if shes called for their deaths thats horrific. if she said that trans minors should get a 40 minute psych checkup before irreversible surgery, i couldnt care less.

          • i dont put that much weight on some random authors societal takes to research them. if shes calling to take away trans peoples votes or for them to be removed from the work force or something insane thats wrong. if shes just saying ‘idc about peoples preferred pronouns’ i couldnt gaf, shes one person of billions, so what honestly.

            • She’s one person influencing millions, if not billions, that’s for sure. She’s not some random author, she is one of the most well known personalities of the 20th and 21st century. Her opinions carry weight, as misguided as that may be on the part of her followers.

              I’d partially agree with you if we were talking about some random who has sold a few hundred kindle copies of their book on Amazon and is spewing nonsense. And even then I’d call for people to not support that author in any way shape or form. JKR is however hugely influential, and that absolutely should matter when it comes to deciding who you give your money to.

    • First: she doesn’t need to say anything specifically or explicitly to be a transphobe actively hostile to the existence of trans people.

      Second: she says things and creates spaces that are very specifically and explicitly hostile to the existence of trans people.

      Third: she associates with and collaborates with people who openly advocate for “reductions in trans people”.

      Honestly I could go through my understanding of her issue, but many people have spoken at great length about why her behavior is harmful. If you’re truly interested seek them out.