• A racist a transphobe and an antisemite walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says “aren’t you that girl who wrote HP?”

    JQ Lolling stares unflinchingly ahead and states “Your teacher, Professor Eleazar Fig, dies at the end of Hogwarts Legacy. This happens in all possible endings and can’t be changed. Oh and Rookwood is the one who cursed Anne while the goblins were framed. Also, you’re also required to quell a slave uprising and you have no choice in the matter.”

    • She is a terrible bigot, and a loud one, and that sucks because she also produced a cultural phenomenon of my childhood, and while the canon of HP is only just barely pretty okay sometimes, it spiralled out from there and SO MUCH of the media and culture I’ve consumed and existed within since then has been informed by it.

      So yeah. If there’s any comfort, let it be that any money she gets from this comes from explicitly affirming a trans woman through the work, as well as implicitly affirming any trans players through the character creation options. Small comfort maybe, but she is far away.

  •  java   ( @java@beehaw.org ) 
    5 months ago

    Oh no somebody doesn’t like trans people, let’s shit in comments about a moderately related game for like forever /s

    You want acceptance, but you can’t accept the fact that somebody disagrees with you. That’s pathetic.

    •  xor   ( @xor@lemmy.blahaj.zone ) 
      205 months ago

      “Moderately related” as in “written by and with royalties paid to”

      People, and trans people especially, absolutely have good reason to not want to buy a product that directly funds a person who is actively hostile to their existence.

      You can’t deal with critical comments from a community who are directly affected by the actions of a major stakeholder? That’s pathetic.

          • shes wrong about the second part if she said that, it just means you dont care enough about their position (/ them) to stop you or you believe in art ≠ artist. about the first part, it’s too vague for me to take a stance on. if shes called for their deaths thats horrific. if she said that trans minors should get a 40 minute psych checkup before irreversible surgery, i couldnt care less.

              • i dont put that much weight on some random authors societal takes to research them. if shes calling to take away trans peoples votes or for them to be removed from the work force or something insane thats wrong. if shes just saying ‘idc about peoples preferred pronouns’ i couldnt gaf, shes one person of billions, so what honestly.

                • She’s one person influencing millions, if not billions, that’s for sure. She’s not some random author, she is one of the most well known personalities of the 20th and 21st century. Her opinions carry weight, as misguided as that may be on the part of her followers.

                  I’d partially agree with you if we were talking about some random who has sold a few hundred kindle copies of their book on Amazon and is spewing nonsense. And even then I’d call for people to not support that author in any way shape or form. JKR is however hugely influential, and that absolutely should matter when it comes to deciding who you give your money to.

        • First: she doesn’t need to say anything specifically or explicitly to be a transphobe actively hostile to the existence of trans people.

          Second: she says things and creates spaces that are very specifically and explicitly hostile to the existence of trans people.

          Third: she associates with and collaborates with people who openly advocate for “reductions in trans people”.

          Honestly I could go through my understanding of her issue, but many people have spoken at great length about why her behavior is harmful. If you’re truly interested seek them out.

    • You’re on the beehaw instance, bee nice.

      It makes absolute sense that people are passionately against this game, which puts money directly in the pockets of not only a very vocal transphobe with a huge following-but one who actively finances anti-trans causes. The game itsself has its own incredibly problematic issues, but I focus on the transphobia because that’s what your comment was concerned with.

      Quite frankly, yes, we want acceptance. But “acceptance” of trans people as people who have human rights should be the bare minimum. That is in no way comparable to pushing back against this game, or pushing back against JKR.

    •  henfredemars   ( @henfredemars@infosec.pub ) 
      5 months ago

      My wife is a big Harry Potter fan but has mixed feelings about it. She described the game this morning as not great but not bad either, with great graphics, but also with an indecisiveness to it that suggests too many cooks in the kitchen.

      With that said, that’s just one opinion. The game seems outstandingly popular. She felt it’s worth the money if you can get it on sale in her personal opinion.

      • My wife and I had the same opinion. Magical to run around the castle for a few hours and do the early classes, surprisingly good combat mechanics, but then… Nothing.

        It is really hurt by the inclusion of brooms. They necessitate a huge world so you can’t cross it in a minute, but then it’s too spread out and empty. At least in Ghost Recon my world-design-crippling flying devices have rockets and gattling guns.

        • You may hit the nail on the head, once you get the broom you just breeze past everyhring. The forbidden forest may be the most dense content wise on foot, everything after that does feel more sparse as it was designed with the broom in mind. All in all I still enjoyed the game and got my moneys worth out of it, I did pick it up rather cheap on a sale

        • Totally agree with this. The first few hours were great but then when you get the broom and you see the huge open space that’s just really lacking. I really wish it never went to that scale.

      •  M500   ( @M500@lemmy.ml ) 
        15 months ago

        Thanks! I think I’ll hold off on this title. I don’t have much time for gaming and open world games can be got it miss for me. This one sounds like it might be a miss.