It seems like they are down for a longer time now. How will they recover? Does longer down mean they will have to do more catching up with other instances? Can I get updates somewhere?

  •  Yozul   ( ) 
    201 year ago

    It’s weird being part of broad communities like technology or games again. On reddit I unsubbed all the default subs and subscribed to more niche things like 3D printing or weird games. It’s quite a change to see people talking about things like mainstream AAA games. Intellectually I knew that a lot of people had to get hyped about the latest Bethesda game or Apple products or whatever, but I think part of me stopped believing it, because it still surprises me whenever I see it.

    •  Yozul   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      This appears to have somehow ended up in the wrong spot. I hadn’t even clicked on this thread before, and yet here’s my reply to a different one. Ah well.

      • Yeah, I’m a mod of retrogaming and a few few other subs in that network. Best group of users ever. 320k people in just the one sub and I think as a team we had to take down maybe 3-4 posts a day? Maybe? I banned 2-3 people in a month, that’s absolutely unheard of in a sub that size. I think the worst argument I saw the whole time was a running “the playstation one was not called the PSX” “Yes it was” “NO IT WASN’T!” “HERE IS AN ARTICLE, YES IT WAS.” thing that we had to specifically make a rule about. Odd little drama, but other than that? No fights at ALL. I’m talking a report maybe every few days for something being off topic if we didn’t get to it quick enough.

        The niche subs about fringe interests, even if they’re popular ones, often bring out the very best people. And the patient/retro gamers are so very chill.