nothing weird, rude, or uncool keep it pg please. like what did you enjoy about today just shar esome sort of story or tips for the people of the internet to read.

  •  Lycan   ( ) 
    101 year ago

    After living in this apartment for 4 years, I’ve finally put blinds up in the bedroom window. Blinds can really change the whole atmosphere of a room, so install them in your windows if you haven’t already!

    • I put an aqua colored blanket over my window to block the sun when it would shine in at the end of the day, fully intending to install a shade or blinds later when I had more time. but now I’m in love with how it turns the whole room a pretty shade of greenish-blue in the afternoon, so even if some people think it’s trashy I’ll be using this shade-blanky from now on haha