• For a streaming platform to be actually useful it needs to be a almost monopoly like steam. Netflix had a chance but missed the spot, due to the greed of Studios. So it’s back to fractured marked until someone comes with a fresh idea of how to distribute video.

    • Or many service providers competing on price, quality of service and features, not competing on exclusivity like they do now.

      Like grocery stores. Imagine if only one chain has the exclusive rights to sell potatoes and another one has rights to pasta. They can ask whatever price they want, because what you gonna do? Go to another store to get your 'taters cheaper? Hah, you’ll cry and you’ll pay what we ask! (BTW, growing your own potatos and sharing them with your neighbor infringes on our rights and is illegal. We’ll sue you to oblivion if we catch you doing it.)

      • Does not work for media, since media is a good that you need a specific version of. You don’t really care what potatoes you buy (simplification) but if you want to watch a specific show, movie or play a game -you can’t really subsidize it with another. So exclusivity does not work for potatoes but works for media. We would need a global overhaul of copyright to work this one out.

        •  tate   ( @tate@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
          58 months ago

          It totally works for media. Just need a law that says, if a work is published, anyone can distribute it for the same fair licensing fee. That’s the way “cover” music works - any cover band can play any other musician’s work. Nobody can refuse them that right. Then the venue where they perform pays a flat fee to an agency for the license. This doesn’t work great in music, but we could create a better model for streaming. it’s not impossible.

          • Musik industry has an extra layer of rights management companies that deal with exactly that issue. So I agree, we could create a legal framework or even an industry self regulating system to work that problem out. But I kind of said that already:

            We would need a global overhaul of copyright to work this one out.

      • Good point, I think it might have to do with the way music is differently licensed. You will often have a “monopolistic” rights management organization like BMI in USA whereas rights for video and games the rights management lies more with the overarching productions companies.

    •  Kichae   ( @Kichae@lemmy.ca ) 
      8 months ago

      I’m not sure why there are always monopoly apologists popping up in these. You know Netflix isn’t any less greedy than the studios, right? A private monopoly isn’t a good thing.

      • Why are you that antagonizing?

        A private monopoly isn’t a good thing.

        Most times. But for media, people want to have all their media in one place for a cheap price - so far only monopolistic or oligopolistic services were able to provide that. It worked quite well for games and in some form for music (you will often have single right management companies in the music industry - like BMI in USA or GEMA in Germany). But in general, I would agree that monopolies (outside natural monopolies and those should be run by the state) are unfavorable for the customer.

    • Netflix started out as a blessing. That’s why I bought a subscribtion intially. Nowadays they’ve been screwed over as much as I have and they suck as much as every other service, but I’m sticking with Netflix. It is the most convenient method for my kids to watch their stupid cartoons and I also get to enjoy something every once in a while. I’ve tried others, but it’s not worth it.

    • We have a way of doing that.

      It’s called Radarr, Sonarr, Jellyfin and a big fuck-off hard drive, and they won’t like it.

      But yeah, if there was a service with everything in high quality (up to 4K Blu-ray quality for those with the bandwidth) for like £30 a month (with no ads ever, and configurable UI that doesn’t try playing the next episode the millisecond the last one finishes), then they’d get paid for it. The longer they wait, the more entrenched into my setup I’ll be, and harder to wean off it.