Sticking point is how much access U.K. producers should have to the Canadian cheese market

  • The UK makes up around 2.5% of Canada’s trade exports, and strangely enough, more than half of that is us exporting Gold to them… about 7.5 Billion dollars worth in 2021

    I think we’ll be okay without a formal free trade agreement.

      • We import even less from the UK than we export to them.

        Also, lack of a free trade agreement doesn’t mean we can’t trade with them at all, most of that trade will continue completely fine. It just means that on either side there can be additional tariffs on specific items if the country decides to do that.

      • The UK is not our best option for that, our primary exports to the US are Petroleum and Cars/Car Parts, along with a ton of other raw exports. The UK doesn’t want that stuff from us because they aren’t a refiner/processor anymore. Even if they were, we aren’t going to be shipping fossil fuels there, because we don’t have a way to get it all the way across the country for a reasonable price. Similarly logging trees in BC and shipping wood products to them simply doesn’t make sense logistically. We may be able to foist some food off on them from the prairies, but that’s about it from a goods perspective.

        We need to increase our trade with Japan, South Korea, Australia, India(unfortunately), along with the developing nations in Southeast Asia.