it has been a pretty quiet week, although there was excellent schadenfreude yesterday from Ron Desantis dropping out

  • Ah, the age-old tale of insurance trying to skimp on covering medications. My doctor once tried to give me Modafinil (a very gentle stimulant) for mild narcolepsy. Insurance said no, and that they wanted her to try two lesser acting medications first (there aren’t any). So, she prescribed Adderall, and they insta-accepted it. Flawless logic!

    As for a pep-talk: I have no wisdom, but I believe in you.

    • My brain is not functioning well right now and that is the pep-talk I need, being reminded this isn’t personal and just the really crap way insurance works here in the USA.

      I am disappointed but the hope was for relief not for lifesaving actions, so I will deal, I have had this problem for a while it is not like I can’t survive it.