I’m currently playing Diablo IV (and having a blast with it) but finding one small gripe which I only think is going to get worse and probably stop me playing it completely in the long run.

My girlfriend is currently pregnant. This means in 6 months time we’ll have a newborn. With this in mind I’m expecting to only be able to grab a few minutes at a time to game and even when I think I’ll have longer I may end up jumping off at short notice. This means I’ll almost certainly come to rely on games which I can pause. Unfortunately this isn’t possible with Diablo IV since it requires an always online connection even though I’m essentially playing it as a single player game.

What are other people’s thoughts?

  • So I have a very specific dog in this fight. I am currently working on an RTS game for the recoil engine. One of my big requirements is the ability for direct hosting without the need of a central server. My biggest argument for this is the fact that if the server ever goes down or I get hit by a truck or anything like that, people can still directly host games.

    Also I don’t think lan parties should require a trip to a third party server just in order to have games with each other. I feel sometimes like I’m the only person who remembers back in the old days when we had giant lan parties and in a lot of cases there wasn’t even really much in the way of internet access to them.

    In my personal opinion, I feel like games as a service have done end users a disservice. There are so many games that I would love to go back and play but I can’t because the servers don’t exist or the developers made it so difficult to host your own servers that you need to jump through a million modding hoops just to make it so that you can actually play a game online with others.

    What is really bad though is single player games that require an online connection. Witafits?