Share a haiku about your day!

A moment of peace,

That’s all that I’m asking for,

Please go to bed now.

  • I wrote a haiku
    In the dada style, but it’s
    A little creepy

    This is a true story. I compose dadaist poetry (I use a method similar to Burroughs’ cut-up method, so phrases rather than single words, usually) and sometimes I do haikus. I composed a random haiku for this prompt but it came out much darker than I anticipated, so I wrote the above one the old fashioned way, and I’ll share that instead.

      • Dadaist poetry is random. In its purest form one would choose a source (like an article or book) and cut out all the individual words, drawing them randomly to write. I use a cut-up method similar to the one used by Burroughs to write The Soft Machine, which uses entire phrases and not individual words.

        To make a haiku, additional editing is often needed (omitting words from the chosen phrase, usually).

        Here are a couple of dadaist haikus I’ve composed. I’ve decided not to keep the one I referenced because it was just too dark.


        washed tobacco road signs of potential quarry and more on the way


        last night the snow fell something of no consequence has happened to me