With all of the sketchy products Amazon has and their bad practices, I’m really considering getting rid of Amazon. The only thing I will really miss is the fast shipping.

My reasoning is that I don’t use Prime benefits outside of shipping because I don’t play live service games anymore, and lots of local stores price match.

For those of you who have ditched Amazon(or not), what’s your reasoning and advice?

Any input is appreciated, thank you.

  • Cancel it and see how it goes. You won’t miss it, especially when you look at the price to sign back up.

    I’ve started buying more stuff from eBay. eBay can also be a total mess, but depending on what you’re buying the sellers are usually quick to ship.

    • Sign up again when they offer free month. Then cancel. I used to do it, however I didn’t even order anything when it was free. Too much garbage. I’d rather see the garbage before buying it so I went back to malls and stores.