• My favorite part in this video, was the ending:

    maston’s CEO told me that for now these there basically no plans for native monetization either. As a content creator I of course have to have monetization. I mean, I spent over a month on this video alone and also thousands of Euros on equipment, rent, people editing the videos, etc., etc. And so until the fediverse figures out monetization, you can support my work by watching my stuff over on nebula

    …said on a video on YouTube.

    Wait a moment, doesn’t YouTube have “native monetization”? Wonder why he’s not using that… maybe “native monetization” isn’t all that great a thing after all? 🧐

        • Because he’s heavily invested in Nebula and believes their system is better for him and other creators in the long term. That doesn’t mean he believes YouTube monetization doesn’t work at all, just he prefers to keep bonus videos on Nebula to entice users to join.

          • That sounds like a “I want to monetize the bonus videos… and I refuse to not monetize the ad too”. Good for him while he can pull it off, but IMHO the future lies in using PeerTube for the ads/blurbs, or directly the whole videos along a Patreon or similar, and leave YouTube behind.