For nearly two years now, Google has been gradually rolling out a feature to all Chrome users that analyzes their browsing history within the browser itself. This feature aims to replace third-party cookies and individual tracking by categorizing you into an interest category and sharing that category with advertisers. It’s like having a function in your credit card account that evaluates your activities to pass on your spending habits to the advertising industry, so they can send you tailored ads. Ironically, it’s called “Privacy Sandbox”. To check if this is enabled in your Chrome or Chromium browser, simply enter chrome://settings/adPrivacy into the address bar (yes, the configuration page is called “Ad Privacy”). However, I wouldn’t even want to have this built into my browser, no matter if activated or not. If you’re not a fan of this, you might want to consider switching to Firefox.

  • I honestly wonder if the advertising industry is just a house of cards, with everyone so far up their own asses that they couldn’t possibly realize how much energy, resources, and dignity is just getting wasted.

    I can’t help but feel sorry for whoever thought their “targeted advertising” worked when I just accidentally picked up my tablet and clumsily landed a finger on a banner, or let an entire video ad play because I was preoccupied and not physically able to skip it. The only ads I genuinely pay attention to are the promotional newsletters I actually sign up for out of legitimate interest from those sites, not out of pride or anything, it’s just the only instance where actually find myself interested in what’s being advertised. Everything else out there in the “targeted” web is just white noise to me, and people think it’s a gold mine.

    • I buy a washing machine after a 20 minute search and going to a click and collect website to place an order with a local big brand store.

      For the next 6 months: