Examples could be things like specific configuration defaults or general decision-making in leadership.

What would you change?

  • Desktop environment should be separated from the OS. You should be able to change the de easily. Maybe in a container.

    Present the user with common software when installing the os. Ask the user if she wants to install any of it (as a flatpak).

    Ask for prioprietary codecs and install them if wanted.

    • It is. I don’t know what you’re talking about. You can go ahead and apt-get xfce on Linux Mint right now. Back in 1998, I had Window Maker, Gnome and some other windows 95 inspired DE all installed in my Conectiva Linux. It was always possible.

      •  pbjamm   ( @pbjamm@beehaw.org ) 
        45 months ago

        I frequently do this to try out different DEs. My only issue with it is that if the DE has its own version of some package like a music player I end up with a cluttered menu with all version from all installed DEs. Would be nice if there were an easy way to limit each DE to its app list by default.