Examples could be things like specific configuration defaults or general decision-making in leadership.

What would you change?

  • As someone who’s an active user and contributor to Fedora: words cannot express enough how much I hate US laws.

    It’s the reason we can’t ship with H.264 hardware decoding out of the box, it’s the reason why we can’t provide access to our project and our community to sanctioned countries (Cuba being one that really hurts me, but mainly Iran right now, which makes me really sad because I’m having to answer people from Iran almost weekly asking on how they can be a part of the project with “unfortunately you can’t”).

    I dream of a day where Fedora’s trademark changed to the hands of a non-profit foundation outside of the US.

  • Fedora:

    • Put H264 and H265 hardware video decoding back in
    • Make Flathub the default Flatpak repository
    • Make the installer easier for beginners by hiding advanced settings most won’t need
    • Make their KDE spin more prominent, currently you have to look for it to find it
  • Just in general: More sane defaults, less RTFM. Sure, you can configure everything, but MUST you? A lot of opensource developers seem to believe that configurability is a get-out-of-jail-free card for having to provide a good user experience out of the box.

  • The documentation. It needs more of it.

    the distro

    It’s NixOS, the docs could be better, had a lot of confusion and had to watch a lot of tutorials when getting started, when I should’ve been able to just read the documentation instead.

  •  TXL   ( @XTL@sopuli.xyz ) 
    1 year ago


    • Say the current stable and testing version number and name clearly on the web front page. Actually put it on every single page instead of burying it somewhere. It takes no space at all and is stupidly hard to find of you’re ootl.
    • Nicer installer. Make sure images with WiFi drivers and firmware are easy to find.

    Also I wish every distribution had a wiki as nice as Arch’s.

  • Unpopular take: A more complex installer that lets me choose what I want to use:

    • what de?
    • what theme of de?
    • what package manager?
    • all the video codecs or minimal?
    • what office programs?
    • graphics card? Nvidia or AMD?
    • developer pack? (Python, java, some other stuff, vscode/codium)
    • graphics suite (Krita, incscape, gimp)
    • KDE connect, syncthing?
    • Firefox or chromium?
    • cloud connections? (OneDrive, Google drive, nextcloud?)

    I don’t know what else could be interesting, but I think that would take away the annoying “what distro to I want” and would make Linux more like “I like gnome, everything installed, I’m a developer” or “KDE plasma, graphics and office, the rest inwant to install myself”

    Maybe I totally don’t understand what distros are, but isn’t all the same, just some differen configurations?

  • I would have Debian go back in time to 1999 and adopt Window Maker as it’s default DE. GNUstep would be integrated and made cross platform. All popular software on windows, Mac and Linux would be based off of it. We’d be used to lightning fast, beautiful DE, with an auto docking paradigm. World peace and the end of hunger would be achieved.

    • Wouldn’t you have to get GNUstep working first? That seems like a limiting factor in your otherwise admirable plan.

      macOS and Linux could indeed have had a common Desktop API. GNUstep was started even before Cacoa and could have kept compatibility with it.

      The other problem is that no GNUstep desktop environment ever really got off the ground either. WindowMaker ( really just a window manager, not a DE ) is not written in GNUstep. I imagine it is written in C against the X11 libs.

      I like your dream though. I used to dream of the same.

      I am pretty sure that GNUstep is cross platform though. At least we have that.

      Have you seen NextSpace?


      • You forgot world peace and hunger.

        It’s a pie in the sky by definition. It was the *Step paradigm I had fallen in love with. Very elegant. Mail.app was cool. It’s not the paradigm the industry adopted, in the end. MDI and Taskbar won for better or worse. Just look at the upheaval that Gnome caused by abandoning it, the sheer number of forks.

        I miss my Window Maker that came rizzed up to nines by default on Conectiva. It made my 486 fast, elegant, and futuristic. I could listen to MP3, chat on IRC, and have a page open on Netscape all at the same time!

        BTW GNUstep is alive. I’ll check out NextSpace, thanks for pointing me there!

  • A better way to uninstall software.

    While I’ve been re-learning my way around Mint, I’ve found that some software doesn’t show up in the GUI package manager. Removing it with Apt doesn’t give the option to remove dependencies or optional extras by default, you have to do it manually. Installing something from Github has to be done separately.

    Even if it’s an optional extra, some software that monitors installations and cleanly uninstalls them would be handy :)

    • Not just for arch but the community in general is also really quick to suggest you change the technology you’re using.

      I’ve had a couple occasions before where I’ve mentioned a problem and people immediately tell me to use their window manager of choice instead because it’s better