Examples could be things like specific configuration defaults or general decision-making in leadership.

What would you change?

  • Unpopular take: A more complex installer that lets me choose what I want to use:

    • what de?
    • what theme of de?
    • what package manager?
    • all the video codecs or minimal?
    • what office programs?
    • graphics card? Nvidia or AMD?
    • developer pack? (Python, java, some other stuff, vscode/codium)
    • graphics suite (Krita, incscape, gimp)
    • KDE connect, syncthing?
    • Firefox or chromium?
    • cloud connections? (OneDrive, Google drive, nextcloud?)

    I don’t know what else could be interesting, but I think that would take away the annoying “what distro to I want” and would make Linux more like “I like gnome, everything installed, I’m a developer” or “KDE plasma, graphics and office, the rest inwant to install myself”

    Maybe I totally don’t understand what distros are, but isn’t all the same, just some differen configurations?