• I deleted RIF on Monday and went to Reddit today via mobile and it was such a pain in the ass as soon as I shut it off I instinctively hit the Jerboa icon (I intentionally put it where RIF was on my homescreen).

      Also the Jerboa app is getting better almost daily.

    • I read that the Sync app was being shut down at the end of the month, then the blackouts started and I just thought Fuck it and set Sync to 0 minutes screen time on my phone while I set up Lemmy. I’m liking it so far just needs more users

      • I installed Jerboa and put it where Sync used to be and so far the transition has been pretty easy.

        I really refuse to use Reddit on my phone using anything other than Sync so it’s an easy decision there. Will probably still browse Reddit on my desktop though since at least there I’ve got old.reddit with RES to make the site useable.

    • Today I logged in on my trash account to see what’s going on. On r/gaming there was a really interesting conversation about the protest. Seems to me that there is no shortage of people who merely see the protest as an inconvenience. Many of them don’t even see any issues with the default reddit app. It’s sad that there are so many people like that.

      Well, they seem to like the ad infested reddit, so let them stay there.

      • This could cause more of a Reddit userbase fork than an actual full exodus which could be a good thing for us.

        Having the ex-reddit users that were willing to stand up and leave/ flip off Reddit all in one place seems like a pretty cool community to be a part of.

        • Just noticed that r/tifu had a pretty good summary too: “ Without effective tools (which Reddit has frequently promised and then failed to deliver), moderators cannot combat spammers, bad actors, or the entities who enable either, and without the freedom to choose how and where they access Reddit, many contributors will simply leave. Rather than hosting creativity and in-depth discourse, the platform will soon feature only recycled content, bot-driven activity, and an ever-dwindling number of well-informed visitors. The very elements which differentiate Reddit – the foundations that draw its audience – will be eliminated, reducing the site to another dead cog in the Ennui Engine.”

          In other words, people who actually create quality content will be gone. I wonder if the remaining people don’t mind the bot spam and reposts. If they really don’t, then Reddit can just milk them for ad money forever, and I guess this is the plan. However, if people do mind, then ad revenue will begin to decline as more and more subs begin to be filled with trash.

    •  timkmz   ( @timkmz@lemmy.world ) 
      111 year ago

      Yea the past few days I saw posts about the biggest influx is coming today at the start of the blackout, but I gotta say most people are fine with reddit if they get to use their 3PA. I think when some shut down there might be a bit more people comming opposed to the last few days

      • I think you’re spot on. I’m leaving because of the 3PA issue, I’ve been using RiF for ages and this whole ordeal made me aware of how much reddit had changed behind the filters I put up (RiF, RES, etc). I feel like I’m probably in the minority that are already jumping ship, I think there will be a lot more when 3PAs stop working and the effort required to learn a new app is about equivalent to picking up Lemmy casually.

        It took me like 20 min to get up and running, and while I’m still learning I already have an app for it and its generating a feed that honestly feels almost nostalgic. There will be another influx of people unless a more accessible alternative crops up in the next two weeks.

    • Yea I wanna see if any are going to be deleted if its possible. That would be a interesting metric. Because if they arent listening to the black out I think they might start to listen if dubs get permanently deleted and A LOT of their content dissapears