It looks like is in the final stages of migrating their site, and merging a whole bunch of improvements. Having their ~5k users federating with us again will be nice

  • I haven’t really used it, so this is all second-hand:

    As far as I understand, it’s a younger project with more papercuts than Lemmy, but more features. Instead of just being a link aggregator like Reddit/Lemmy, it’s also got microblog functionality so it plays better with Mastodon. For users of Mastodon, having a one-stop-shop for both services is pretty handy.

    It’s much harder and more problematic to set up kbin instances, so almost everyone just uses This means it’s a very centralized fediverse platform compared to Lemmy, but that might be seen as an advantage to some.

    •  nlm   ( ) 
      31 year ago

      Yeah, I can see how that centralization could be both a positive and a negative. Sounds kind of nice to have a central point to then access the more spread out nature of Lemmy for instance. But then again, it’s vulnerable instead… not sure what I prefer to be hontest.

      I’m probably too new to the fediverse to have an educated opinion yet!