• The ampersands gets converted to HTML (aka & by various clients).

    In general, it’s a good idea to never use ampersands on the web. A lot of sanitizers do not process them properly.

    I’m guessing that you are a good bit older (50s/60s), otherwise you would probably know this already.

    No one is “comin’ fer yer ampersands”, but it’s worth knowing that on the internet they aren’t a great idea.

    •  self   ( @self@awful.systems ) OP
      105 months ago

      oh my fuck I banned them before I even saw this

      yeah we must be a fair bit older if we don’t buy their bullshit html sanitization ploy. no idea what web dev is here!

      “a lot of sanitizers don’t process them properly” holy fuck

      •  self   ( @self@awful.systems ) OP
        125 months ago

        it seriously took them 21 hours to come up with an excuse, and their excuse is it’s impossible to do the parts of html sanitization you can do with a basic regex and nothing else

        fuckin ampersands man how the fuck do they work

      • Lol why are you so mad? Holy shit it’s not that deep, Jesus. You took this shit all the way to 11.

        It’s not a “ploy”, and what I said wasn’t wrong… A lot of sanitizers do not process them nicely. I didn’t realize that something as simple as “stop using ampersands” would trigger a full on meltdown, holy crap.

        I guess I should point out that “a lot” != Most.

        I am in awe of the butthurt over such a simple comment. Also, stop using ampersands (I’m joking this time… Clearly I can have your ampersands when and only if I could pry them from your cold, dead, keyboard).

        Calm down people, it’s really not that deep. Jesus.