•  Big P   ( @peter@feddit.uk ) 
    798 months ago

    I’ve been saying for ages that podcasts are the last mainstream bastion of what the Internet is supposed to be. Imagine if it was the same for film and tv?

      • Somehow I think Podcasts will survive enshittification. The basis is just RSS and file hosting, so at its core, it’s possible to create and distribute podcasts without huge capital investment. There’s always gonna be some people trying to get their voices out and Podcasts still seems to be the easiest way to do that so until some better method comes out, podcasts will live on.

        If you’re talking about Podcast networks, streaming services, ad networks, then yeah, those might face some kind of enshittification and destruction, but no matter what, I’m pretty confident some good podcasts, and some good ways to listen to them, will stick around.

      • Spotify is actively and aggressively trying to be the ones to break podcasts by having their spotify exclusives.

        Even things like Patreon bonus episodes aren’t a problem – they still are sent out via RSS. Still use the interoperable standard. You can even share the URL with people you know, if you feel like it.

        The bad actors creating true app-exclusive content need to be called out, shamed, and stopped. Even if it is NPR.

        •  neptune   ( @neptune@dmv.social ) 
          28 months ago

          I’m more just talking about how the COOOL NEW THING attracts a lot of attention. Then an ungodly amount of investor money. And then dies. I don’t like podcasts and I don’t know a whole lot about their distribution, but the fact that they get funded like super bowl ads definitely means another shoe is about to drop.