I love mine and use it almost all the time. Its a Surfans f20 with rockbox native installed. Makes it feel like I’m using my old ipod lol

  • Rockbox is great. Used to have a Sansa Clip mp3 player with Rockbox and it was perfect. Replaced it with a Shanling Q1 (which can run Rockbox) and I don’t leave home without it.

    •  papertowels   ( @papertowels@lemmy.one ) 
      1 year ago

      Fond memories of playing with a GBA emulator on my sansa via rockbox.

      A buddy would be listening to music on his Gameboy and I’d be next to him playing Gameboy games on my mp3 player. What a time to be alive.

      • I showed my students Doom on my Clip Zip and they were like, “what? our English teacher is a hacker!” Then I told them that copying and pasting a folder does not make one a hacker. They were suddenly less impressed.