Can we get a consensus on whether our community should de-federate with servers that host loli? I personally think we should block them, and if that ends up not being the consensus here then I’ll probably sign up on another server. I hope we can all agree to set that boundary though because I like it here and it seems otherwise pretty cool.

  • I too would like the ability to block at the instance level as a user. Haven’t come across loli, but does show up quite a bit when looking at All.

    I have no problem at all with other wanting to look at/interact with nsfw stuff from that instance, but I’m personally not interested. Given this, defederation seems extreme, but blocking on a community-by-community basis is time consuming and, as others have said, necessitates seeing the content to some degree (pretty sure you can choose whether stuff is blurred or not in your feed via the settings). I’d rather key ‘’ into a block list once, and go back to what I’m doing.