• Challenging this. Maybe the problem is the constant appetite to change your car every year? Maybe if there was a push to have consumers keep the same car for 10 years (I’ve had mine 11 now) it would be overall better for the environment. I’d argue the biggest impact on the environment around automobiles is the energy taken to create it, not to use it once it exists. This is what worries me with the push to electric. Perhaps we shouldn’t be pushing people to continue the same model of disposable vehicles except now they’re electric. Maybe we should stop people treating vehicles like they’re disposable.

    This is my same belief with phones, computers, etc.

    We have an underlying problem with how we treat things as disposable.

    • Correct me if I’m wrong but most of times when they dispose of a vehicle they sell it someone else to use right? So the only waste for that person be the rapid loss in car value after buying it new. Or are a lot of these cars ending in the dump?