• People are ADDICTED to Reddit. So much so that they are using Reddit as their primary resource to talk about how much they hate it.

    Once the craziness around the API stuff dies down and it’s time to stop using Reddit for good, I’m willing to bet nearly all of these people cave in some way.

    • It is truly an addiction platform.

      To my credit though I shredded all of my accounts today and deleted them. I’m 100% all in on lemmy and this new and exciting fediverse stuff.

      Hey I’m even a mod now for NSFW! I’m a big boy now.

    •  Kushi   ( @Kushi@lemmy.world ) 
      81 year ago

      I never realized how much some people rely on Reddit for social interaction. It’s truly fascinating. Also, their unwillingness to even consider using other platforms.

      • I’m sort of one of them? I mean I’m married, got my own place, now got a stable job etc, but I barely ever see my friends (all moved away), and my work friends from an old job I have just lost touch with.

        Trying to replace the online social life with Lemmy, maybe something like IRC? Who knows.