Like it or not, years of insight, experience and expertise live in Reddit threads. But accessing some of them just got harder.

  • Yup, I’ve already been really frustrated by this… Google’s search results are so useless, full of advertisements, blogspam, astroturfing, etc, the only way to read about genuine reviews and experiences about stuff is to add " reddit" to the end of my search queries.

    • I figured out yesterday that if you go to the Google cached version, you can still see old posts. If I try it on mobile, the cached option isn’t there, but on my PC I can click the (…) next to the search result, and click the cached option. Trying to figure out how to do that with mobile.

      I fully support the blackout and I am trying to keep my Reddit traffic to a minimum, but I was trying to figure out a technical problem yesterday and it was a huge pain to find anything useful. Way too much SEO crap to wade through.