• This is not the end of reddit. It is just a hiccup for them as they go public. But the protests was a good opportunity for folks to learn about alternatives. I certainly didn’t know alternatives existed. I’m glad to have found fediverse. I fully support the idea and want to see it grow.

    • It may not “end” Reddit but I do think this will end Reddit as we know it. It will just be a shell of itself just like Facebook is no longer a place for college friends to connect and share photos.

    • I’m making my transition a somewhat gradual one. I’ll still be on Reddit, in the more esoteric subs, though I feel dirty every time I go there. As all the cool kids migrate over, I’ll spend less time there and more time here.

      • As long as you only use on a browser with adblock, and don’t actively support their changes, it isn’t letting them win. Spez is trying to built a wall around his garden of extremely useful information, go nab some tomatoes while they’re not yet rotten.

        • Reddit wins as long as actual people are posting and commenting. Selling advertising is just a stopgap; the goal is to sell peoples behavior patterns and current trends in communicating about information. He sees the cash cow as being a legitimate AI training corpus to sell subscriptions to.

          Of course, this will fail as soon as people deploy chatbots using those same models across the redditverse.

    • During the last site-wide protest in 2015 I set up a VOAT account with all the similar subreddits that I had at the time. When people first started suggesting abandoning ship, I thought “Well, at least I still have Voat”. Checks Voat. Turned into a alt-rght haven and then shut down in 2020. Dho!

    •  altz3r0   ( @altz3r0@beehaw.org ) 
      201 year ago

      This is the gist of it. It will happen again, and again, and again. After they go public, every quarter that they need to come up with some shenanigans to satisfy shareholders, it will happen again. Eventually, either a new thing will come up and start it all over again, or we will be mostly decentralized.

      • I think on top of that each time we get more and more of the creators. The vast majority of users are lurkers on Reddit, purely consuming content and ads. If content starts moving to new platforms then the users will follow. That’s why power users are important, they’re most of the discussion. We saw it with facebook, they lost the communities that made it fun and over time more and more people left the platform to go where the content was, the slow death of a social media titan.

        • Death? Facebook is still lumbering with no problem, because there are groups on there that help people make money, which keep them there forever. I manage one such network and have no idea of how to get away from Facebook, because it’s basically like a non-anonymous equivalent to Craigslist jobs, which makes it so much safer and easier to find and post work on. Anything else would require more separate accounts that people probably just don’t care for, etc.

      • I would like to leave Reddit but I don’t know if my favorite communities will migrate or grow here (and I sure don’t have the time to maintain them all, or the know-how to keep generating the content that they do).

        • same. i’d like to spend most of my browsing time here on lemmy rather than reddit if possible, but i doubt i’ll fully leave anytime soon. unless my favourite communities (r/battlejackets, r/visiblemending, r/posthardcore, etc.) migrate, i’ll be going back from time to time for them and their like minded user base

    • Same boat as you, but now we have a new way to connect to other people on the internet. On top of that, lemmy has a bunch of new users now. Far more people can make content to make this engaging and exciting at the same time. I will miss f/nba though.

    •  jarfil   ( @jarfil@lemmy.ml ) 
      1 year ago

      I just came from a Reddit r/tech thread where all the upvoted comments were people making fun of the title, without realizing the title was descriptive of the linked article.

      Make a website for idiots, and only idiots will stay on it.