• You know what, I will look at it again. I seem to have a problems every time I move away from Debian, and I have been rocking MX Linux for awhile, and as great as it is, it cannot support everything that has moved on to SystemD. Also, as comfortable as I am with XFCE, I don’t really like it… BUT I hate KDE so anything else is better.

      Yeah, if I can’t work out my problems with openSuse, I probably won’t have better luck with Fedora. So, back to Debian!

        • You are special and I love you.

          You were not exaggerating, Linux Mint is MAGIC!. Everything about this distro is so clean and well put together. Cinnamon is everything I wanted out of XFCE.

          I cannot believe I slept on this because I dismissed anything associated with Ubuntu. I have been so stupid. I have wasted so much time, and haven’t even really gamed on my new computer.

          I finally feel like I can commit to learning Blender and get back to Godot.

          Thank you.

          • Good to hear! Yeah once I used mint I haven’t used anything else, even my server is running mint because why not. You say you want the latest packages, well it’s only debian that runs older more stable. Ubuntu and thus mint happily run newer stuff. Mint is also less strict about “non free” than ubuntu so much easier to use in terms of drivers.

        • Hey, guess what you just convinced my to do? I am going to download Linux Mint and start using it!

          I used to care about having the latest packages, having the DE look good, make it my own way, whatever.

          I just want to use the hardware I paid for, damn it!