Do you also downvote publications when you don’t understand them or only when you don’t agree / they don’t make you laugh / they don’t interest you?

What are the reasons for a downvote?

  •  kadu   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    I don’t know if Lemmy is got suggested global guidelines or if it’s up for each instance to provide them.

    On Reddit, downvotes are supposedly used to mark posts and comments that do not fit the community they’re on, harm the users, prevent discussion or are otherwise harmful (malware, etc). In practice, it’s used as the disagree button.

    While Lemmy’s currently smaller community seems waaaay less downvote-heavy, regardless of the intention as it grows the downvote button will be used much in the same way as Reddit. It’s a natural tendency.

    No better example than the “UnpopularOpinion” subreddit: the entire goal is commenting an opinion that is unpopular, yet if you did that, you’d be massively downvoted because people disagree with your opinion… I mean yes? That was the point? In theory it should be upvoted for being relevant to the subreddit.