• For the author and everyone else. If they’re not throwing away their entire tech stack and workflow for how they build this sort of game and starting from scratch, they’re making a huge mistake. At least start with what Obsidian built for Avowed and work from there.

    • I think they have so much technical debt that if they tried to move away from their current stack, it would be the end of them, almost overnight. They don’t have the manpower and know-how to move to Unreal or Unity or otherwise. If they did, they would have done so by now.

      •  Sordid   ( @Sordid@beehaw.org ) 
        34 months ago

        That’s fair enough, but then they shouldn’t make a game blatantly unsuited to the tech they do have. Just make another Morrowind with a fresh coat of paint like they’ve been doing for the last twenty years. It’s what the fans want anyway.

    • This is a bit unfair, for all its gigantic problems the creation engine is much better at supporting modding than unity or unreal.

      Perhaps a more deterministic scripting engine would be better but it’d be easy to lose the one thing that makes their games good. I still can’t believe they thought starfield would work with the modding tools MIA four months out