• Nobody is upset that Reddit is not good for active support comminities. They’re upset that they’re having their options taken away and being exploited for profit.

    Lemmy will never “be that way” so long as people like you perpetuate a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    • I didn’t mean that was a complaint against reddit, I just meant it’s a reason a lot of people have been reluctant to leave. I’d love to see the site die personally, but I still think it’s a little more complicated than self respect.

      Also while yeah I hate to be a person who complains and then doesn’t take any action, I know for a fact that I don’t have it in me to moderate a support group between jobs.

      • but I still think it’s a little more complicated than self respect.

        It’s not. You’d rather let Reddit exploit you so you can continue participating in those communities than to lose access to those communities.

        I don’t have it in me to moderate a support group between jobs.

        You don’t have to do anything additional. All you have to do is stop going to Reddit.