its literally just carbonated piss and you cant even get drunk off it. and i say this as a german, who’s been trying both ‘good’ and bad beer since 16 years old.

  •  Rentlar   ( ) 
    32 years ago

    Pabst Blue Ribbon and Busch were the cheap options when I was first legal drinking age, but I really didn’t like of Busch, had an after-taste like donkey breath. PBR was meh but would get drunk enough after a few with my super low tolerance to stop caring.

    Craft beer is so much more and interesting and tasty. At the bar and in cans I always go for local beer options over Anheisur-Busch, Labatt and other big brands.

    I know the taste of IPA has really grown on me lately and I don’t speak for everyone but I second trying lots of things out to see if any fit your tastes.