•  LocoOhNo   ( @LocoOhNo@lemmus.org ) 
    7 months ago

    It’s sadly going to fall on deaf ears so long as our government, pushed by the Christians, continues to fellate Israel so they can get a “reward” when they die.

    That’s what this boils down to, folks. The Christians dictate foreign policy so they can continue to feel high and mighty about themselves. This isn’t about lives on either side of the situation; it has been and will continue to be about Christians thinking this benefits them directly. And it doesn’t matter how many women and kids die, so far as they are concerned. This is all about them.

    They’ve been telling us who they are for 2000 years. It’s time to believe them and adjust ourselves accordingly. Similar to disregarding what any other bigot says. They shouldn’t be allowed to hold office considering they are commanded in their Bible to go against “earthly” things. A slave cannot serve two masters and they will (and have) sold this Country to benefit themselves.

    If Trump wins in November, we need to get used to the idea of a theocracy in our lifetimes.