Hello. Have some tea, take a cookie *), tell us something.

  1. What was your first PS console? (If you’ve only played one on a trade show, or are only thinking of maybe getting one, that’s cool too.)

  2. Your favorite game?

  3. An underrated game or one everyone should try?

  4. Any particular memories?

  5. Playing anything at the moment?

*) Yea ok you can have another. Keep in mind they’re virtual.

  • My first console was the original PSX!

    My favorite game of all time from Playstation is a close race between SSX Tricky and NBA Street Vol 2.

    I think one underrated game everyone should try is Narc for PS2. Funny side note that game introduced me to the music of NWA for the first time

    One thing I will never forget is the day I fried my PSX as a kid by dropping a penny down inside of it through the disc reader and turning it on like an idiot.

    Currently playing through Silent Hill for the first time ever!