I have Kodi installed now, I will probably test OSMC later today, are there any other programs similar to them that I could test?

What I am mostly interested in:

  • fullscreen mode (dark mode / theme preferably, even if I would have to make it manually somehow)
  • option to navigate my drive or external drive
  • xbox controller support
  • subtitles support

What I want to accomplish is quite simple, every now and then I want to play a movie from my pc on my tv (connected via hdmi) and I don’t want to use mouse or keyboard while watching it to pause or turn the volume up a notch.

Kodi is kinda okay for all that but it feels a little wonky and pretty often makes a mess with my files, creating duplicates or ghost files on lists…

Thanks for any help!

  •  somnuz   ( @somnuz@lemm.ee ) OP
    1 year ago

    First of all, thank you for your answer! I am starting to have a feeling as if my post sounds to everyone replying like “Kodi bad”… When the main idea was more around “I am researching the subject, need some guidance from people that know more than me and all those top five Kodi alternatives articles”.

    From your reply, I have yet another feeling, you sound to me now probably like I sounded over ten years ago talking about how Photoshop is a great software and how many amazing options it has to someone asking me “is there a simple way to rotate / resize my pictures?”…

    Sure, I am still using Kodi, I even mentioned in another reply that I’ve found quite a cool theme that already feels better for me and I definitely have some more reading and tinkering to do… But the question is still jumping around in my brain, “is there any other / simpler / better way to achieve this effect?” — I hope you understand what I mean by that and why I posted here.