• Where I am in Australia, if as a group (say of coworkers) talking about a new person, we might be like ‘maybe don’t say “Jesus fucking Christ” in front of Lisa, I’m pretty sure she’s extremely Christian’ or ‘let’s do lunch instead of drinks to celebrate the milestone, I’m pretty sure Vish is Muslim so we don’t want him to feel left out’.

    Majority of my peers are atheist. Religion only comes up in our lives when we’re trying to be inclusive or respectful of the religious minority.

    It’s funny how some places can’t do the same in reverse.

    Edit to say, the thing is, to the majority of us, belief in a god is silly hocus pocus, drummed up by humans when we just didn’t understand how things worked and the scientific method didn’t exist. But as a respectful person living in a society, I live by the rules that you don’t make fun of those silly ideas, and also that religion is intrinsically linked to people’s cultures too. So I have a live and let live attitude to it.

    Pity many Christians can’t be that Christian.