Hello friends! Is there a lemmy community for roguelikes? I am, in this case, looking for a place focused on more traditional roguelikes (DCSS, CCDDA, BROGUE, etc)

If there isn’t one, no worries, send me you’re favorite unknown traditional roguelikes. I’ll tell you mine. It’s called “Empires of Eradia” it’s a more open combat focused RL with a unique twist on permadeath. It’s got great crafting and a strong focus on risk reward.

    • You may enjoy caves of qud. It is probably the closest to Elona of all the roguelikes I have played. There was one time where I got an item that allowed me to turn inanimate objects into a sentient companion. I accidentally cast it on a stone wall only for the wall to come to life and start following me around. It was incredibly handy when exploring dungeons since I could just swap places with it to block a door or corridor. The whole game is full of weird stuff like that.