anybody want to share about their body mods? i’m speaking broadly, including any piercings or tattoos. current, planned, or retired, i’d love to hear about them!

for me, i just have a couple facial piercings and one pair of lobe piercings. i’m starting to stretch my lobes and it’s very exciting! one of my ears needed a couple extra weeks to go up to a measly 14g, so i’m ready to be really, really patient.

    •  Nilesse   ( ) 
      22 years ago

      Thanks! I’m actually going to swap it out for a Buddha Jewelry Mini Valentina when I downsize. That piece wasn’t in stock when I got the piercing so I’ve been wearing this Industrial Strength Marquise Fan in the meantime. Now the question is what I’ll do with the piece… Maybe a second lobe? Or get another one and wear them in my first lobes. Decisions, decisions!