• America controls Saudi, Kuwait, Iraq and Venezuela. Only Iran falls outside and if they start doing naughty things they are going to get invaded.

    America is the largest oil producer in the entire world


    Country Oil production September 2023 (bbl/day)

    United States 12,900,000[8]

    Russia 9,480,000[9]

    Saudi Arabia (OPEC) 9,060,000[9]

    Canada 4,778,973[10]

    • America is the largest oil producer in the entire world

      So, still no monopoly. Even IF we counted OPEC as “American OPEC monopoly” they together would only account for 50-60% of crude oil production. Far away from a monopoly, maybe you should read up on the term monopoly.

      America controls …

      And even then, OPEC most of the time acts against US interests. Crazy how big the “control” and influence the US has over these countries and OPEC then. They have so much control that even Russia is part of OPEC+ since 2016. AMERICA STRONK!