• It’s Me, Myself and I.

        Achieving a state of complacementness in an unperfect world full of suffering and joy.

        Yep – that’s what I like about it. Good and bad are fluid, like in reality. Even Bester is shown to be a caring character striving for the good of his people.

      • No bad guys are good guys. And most good guys are not good guys, either.

        The Shadows, the Centauri and the PSI Corps are introduced as “bad guys” but gain a lot of positive aspects during the show without becoming “good guys”. The Nightwatch and the Earth Governement under president Clark are “bad guys” – but quite a few of there supporters/members become important “good” characters, like Zach Allan, Elizabeth Lochley or Susanna Luchenko.

        That’s my point about the Babylon 5 series – they deconstruct the good guy/bad guy meme. Mostly.

        • Centauri got positive aspects? Londo personally, maybe, but not the Centauri. Psi cops as well did not become better, but more like “even bad people have feelings” type of thing.