• I feel I stepped on a topic of discontent of yours. I’m sorry. I certainly would like to understand your position better but I suppose it would be uncomfortable to do in a form of comments to the article.

    If you have time and an interest to discuss it further, you can find my matrix handle in my profile. I’m sure our views on the issue is not that different and in real time we could probably establish that in fewer characters typed.

    In any case, thank you for sharing your perspective, it was quite an interesting take

    • I appreciate your concern, I’m not upset in the least 💜

      We probably would agree on quite a bit, but I guess I’m just very strongly anti-capitalist and often find myself strongly advocating on behalf of the people who get ignored by the system. Try applying any of the measurements suggested in this article to the hospitality industry, for example, and you’ll quickly see how it only measures a very tiny slice of everything that is going on.

      I’m not really techie enough to have made the jump over to matrix quite yet