Before getting the American posting Disney’s ratatouille/confit Baydly, here is my contribution to debate, it’s a gif I posted years ago on r/gifrecipes to do some proper food agit-prop, but you might like-it

  • I would think the advantage of this method would be that you don’t need to prep everything together since you cook them independently; you can prep them while others are cooking to save time.

    I make ratatouille somewhat regularly. I precook the eggplant in the microwave (seriously). I cook some some of the vegetables on the stove, then roast in the oven. The eggplant turns into more like a sauce, I add the courgette and peppers last, so they are still a bit firm. I also finish it off when it’s cooked with a small amount of sherry vinegar. I think it turns out pretty well.