It’s always good to be in control of your own content sources.

  • For some reason, I could never get into RSS readers. I tried, but quickly felt overwhelmed and gave up. I’ve tried to get back into it over and over again, but always get just absolutely rocked by the amount of content that can be pulled in and get discouraged. It’s also hard and daunting to think about getting into it at this point, now, because there’s so much content out there that I don’t even know where to start with adding RSS links of stuff I follow…because sometimes I don’t even know where I get my stuff from (just from all over, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, email newsletters, kbin, Google News, etc.)

      • This for sure. to me, it just seems like such a wave of news content…but a lot of what I enjoyed about Reddit/social media (including kbin) is the community aspect, allowing for more nuanced and popular stuff to be driven to the top of the feed (based on upvotes, retweets, user activity, clicks, or what have you). So the lack of that in RSS stuff really hinders me from fully adopting it.

        • My number one visited reddit site was r/soccer. Discussion and highlights was half of the draw, but breaking news was the other half. Unfortunately, using RSS to get a collection of news/Twitter updates doesn’t really provide value because I never really know the source. On reddit, there was always a bunch of comments or a highly upvoted comment that shared the reliability of the source. Quite often, there were reliable journalists working for shitty publications, so you could generally trust them despite not being able to trust other news on the site. I’ll miss that.

    • I loved iGoogle. I had my feeds set up just how I liked them. Then I moved to protopage when that went to the graveyard. Then a bunch of things (not everything) stopped updating.

      I went back to check it out a few weeks ago and even fewer things were updating. A lot of places just let RSS fall by the wayside.

    • Bro same. It’s almost like FOMO. There’s just so much content out there that I feel overwhelmed just trying to parse through what I’d actually want in an RSS feed and terrified i’m missing actual important stuff.

        • I’m not currently using RSS, it’s been years. And yes I also felt overwhelmed. I have same problem with Podcasts on my iPhone and honestly email. Just like in most cases I don’t want to be pushed content. My brain feels bad for not keeping up. The best use of RSS that I can imagine for me would be following a small number of original content creators who post erratically in multiple platforms. It’s another reason I love the fediverse so much bc we can slap /feed on the end of many addresses to pull that content elsewhere. And again I’m not currently using RSS lol. I’m just saying that I might use it for passionate follows. I think it’s a useful tool for getting people free of the big bad platforms.

    •  gdbjr   ( ) 
      32 years ago

      I have tried to go back to RSS once I gave up Twitter. But it lacks the instant notification of breaking news that I got from Twitter. Mastodon has mostly fill that role. So I might give RSS another chance for non-breaking news.

      Oddly enough I have a police scanner app that has alerts and it is also a good source for breaking incidents.