plspls_pls_ stop calling each other fascists or astroturfers unless you have a thorough understanding of the uncommitted movement and what u.s. primaries are. there is so much blatant misunderstanding and misinfo going on it’s bad.

edit: if any loser dares call for an uncommitted vote in the general election? i will kick them in the balls (gender neutral) (in minecraft)

  • God what the fuck is this comment. Donezo? Can you not make a genocide into tryin to be cute or whatever tf this is

    Fuck Biden. Committed leftists / socialists / communists are not gonna hand wring about one president over another. I haven’t voted since Obama 2012, no plans to start anytime soon. Electoralism will not save us and I’m tired of hearing the lesser of two evils is the solution for the last, idunno 50 years? Unless a candidate were to stop all weapon sales to Israel (never gonna happen), it’s not worth all this song and dance bullshit

    • If you don’t vote, I don’t care, I say donezo on the reg and will say it again. Doesn’t change that Palestinians are dying by the thousands

      Giving up is worthless, especially when one evil will ensure everyone in the LGBTQ+ sphere will die at some point in the near future and one won’t. Look inside yourself from an ethical perspective - if you can make some positive change, do it. Especially if it costs you nothing but gets trans people everything

      • You’re saying this to a gay guy who works around trumpers in a factory.

        Trump being president doesn’t mean the gays will be rounded up into camps or something. I hate when people play this card that we’re all gonna get fucking murdered and it’s my fault for not voting blue, like what? It’s apparent that it’s playing on emotions to use LGBT people as some weird guilt trip and it’s honestly pretty gross. I can take care of myself and my partner and our home just fine thanks. And I feel no differently safety wise whether it’s a Republican or Democrat in office.

        • Trans people are at risk right now, states that ban transitioning will kill them. Gay people were at risk years ago but decades of voting for politicians that support peoples’ rights have allowed you to live and be out now. I am glad you have the rights you deserve and will not lose them in a year, but trans people are losing rights they deserve now. Not to mention abortion rights have been lost that are deserved well.

          But voting got justices in place to enact rulings that decriminalized sodomy in 2003. Literally it was illegal to be gay in a bunch of states prior to 2003. Just as not voting let Trump install justices that removed abortion access.

          Your right to a same-sex marriage (2015 ruling, very recent, only 36/50 states allowed same-sex marriage prior to that ruling and of course after 2003) and even being with someone of the same-sex (2003 ruling) are both Supreme Court rulings that can easily be repealed just as Roe v Wade was. I want everyone’s right to love who they want to be enshrined in the constitution, but until it is same-sex relationships are somewhat vulnerable. Voting and political action are the only way to enable your rights to remain forever. And voting is ez pz you just tick a few boxes for the person that doesn’t want to kill trans people.

          You are correct; your life will continue whether or not you vote. But the quality of life is greatly impacted by the will of the people, which is gauged through voting. And the quality of life of other groups (people transitioning) are in danger right now

          • There’s a thing where previously oppressed minorities get their rights, and then they start to forget that there are other oppressed minorities that still need their rights.

            For example, Irish people were often oppressed a century ago in the US, but they’re just more white guys. That why Bill O’Reilly could go on Fox News in the early 2000s and say “my Irish ancestors pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, why can’t black people?”

            Solidarity cannot be taken for granted.