plspls_pls_ stop calling each other fascists or astroturfers unless you have a thorough understanding of the uncommitted movement and what u.s. primaries are. there is so much blatant misunderstanding and misinfo going on it’s bad.

edit: if any loser dares call for an uncommitted vote in the general election? i will kick them in the balls (gender neutral) (in minecraft)

  •  uriel238   ( ) 
    4 months ago

    You may end up confronted with your ball-kicking obligation, especially if the GOP is consistent taking all opportunities to add more disinformation to the season. I’d guess whether such a disinformation program was successful might make the difference between a thousand scattered uncommitted write-in votes across the nation or 100,000 localized in battleground states.

    The 2016 election remains fresh in my mind, in which Trump was so obviously a monster that we expected a landslide by Clinton. Yet somehow while everyone knew Trump was dangerous enough hated Clinton enough to take that risk that he won by the Electoral College while losing the popular vote, and boy, the US is jolly sorry we let that happen, but not sorry enough to change it, even though we were pretty jolly sorry for letting George W. Bush steal the election from Gore in 2000, via a SCOTUS ruling that even warns don’t use this to set future precedents ( NARRATOR: Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000) has been used to set precedent or justify opinions in later SCOTUS rulings. )

    US voters are imbiciles. They’re ignorant. They can’t operate their voting materials correctly. They get confused and suppressed. And these factors can sometimes be used to change the course of elections.

    In 2024, our election is about one thing:

    • Vote RED if you are in favor of dissolving the government as it stands and erecting a one-party autocracy in which the Republican party rules the people of the US. (Elections will be neutered so they’re meaningless), as per Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation. If autocracy is your jam, vote in Republicans for office. (All Republicans, no matter how they campaign, are down with P’25, or will be if ever they are compelled to act to serve it.)
    • Vote BLUE if you are against the dissolution of democracy (rather, our minimal democratic features). If you want to hold back the Republican autocracy for a few more years, vote for democrats in office (to vote against the Republican). That’s where the US is.
    • Vote any other way to make no statement whatsoever. Any third-party vote, any write in an election where Republicans are running is a vote not to stop the Republican from taking office.

    That’s where we are in the US. It’s our only choice. Trump may not invade Poland and France, but he will quit NATO, and he will start interning non-whites and sending ICE to lock people up in detention centers. Some people think it won’t be as bad as the German Reich. I think Germany is going to be holding the US’ beer.

    It’s madness, but we really have no choice but to put Democrats in office. In the meantime, regarding the genocide in Palestine, by all means crab at your representatives and senators (state and US). Block traffic. Blow up pipelines. Tell young people the risks of joining military service. (Check your counter-recruitment groups for talking points and scary stories.) Join your local mutual aid organization. Raise all kinds of Hell.

    But the election, despite what it is supposed to be, is not where members of the public gets to express itself…except for the one issue of whether or not we let the Republican party take over the US permanently.

  • It is clear within the US that the uncommitted movement is grossly misunderstood outside of the people who care to engage with anti-genocide protest efforts. Because the main stream media did not cover it effectively up to the primary election and barely covered it after.

    It is also clear that people from other countries do not understand the US primary system at all.

    For Democrats, voter turn out is what matters. And that the “uncommitted” vote does not beat Biden. The uncommitted vote will not beat Biden since no news orgs covered it well so few know about it unless previously involved in anti-genocide efforts. Only Democrats can vote in the US Democrat primary, so high primary turnout shows how many democrats are willing to vote for Biden come election AND the uncommitted vote shows an easy tally of how many people were moved enough to discover the uncommitted vote movement and take part to support ending the genocide of the Palestinians.

    If you see actual astroturfing, fascists-in-leftist-clothing calling for an uncommitted vote in the general, tell them to “fuck off tankie”.

    In the US general election there will be no “uncommitted” option, showing that they are out-of-state fascists. Tell them to eat shit loudly and do not engage further with the fascies.

    The US general election is serious as the republican challenger is the fascist bitch who tried to overthrow the government. But the genocide of the Palestinians is also serious, they’re actually dying by the thousands and after you die you’re dead it’s donezo, and anyone should be able to realize that that’s horrendous

    • God what the fuck is this comment. Donezo? Can you not make a genocide into tryin to be cute or whatever tf this is

      Fuck Biden. Committed leftists / socialists / communists are not gonna hand wring about one president over another. I haven’t voted since Obama 2012, no plans to start anytime soon. Electoralism will not save us and I’m tired of hearing the lesser of two evils is the solution for the last, idunno 50 years? Unless a candidate were to stop all weapon sales to Israel (never gonna happen), it’s not worth all this song and dance bullshit

      • If you don’t vote, I don’t care, I say donezo on the reg and will say it again. Doesn’t change that Palestinians are dying by the thousands

        Giving up is worthless, especially when one evil will ensure everyone in the LGBTQ+ sphere will die at some point in the near future and one won’t. Look inside yourself from an ethical perspective - if you can make some positive change, do it. Especially if it costs you nothing but gets trans people everything

        • You’re saying this to a gay guy who works around trumpers in a factory.

          Trump being president doesn’t mean the gays will be rounded up into camps or something. I hate when people play this card that we’re all gonna get fucking murdered and it’s my fault for not voting blue, like what? It’s apparent that it’s playing on emotions to use LGBT people as some weird guilt trip and it’s honestly pretty gross. I can take care of myself and my partner and our home just fine thanks. And I feel no differently safety wise whether it’s a Republican or Democrat in office.

          • Trans people are at risk right now, states that ban transitioning will kill them. Gay people were at risk years ago but decades of voting for politicians that support peoples’ rights have allowed you to live and be out now. I am glad you have the rights you deserve and will not lose them in a year, but trans people are losing rights they deserve now. Not to mention abortion rights have been lost that are deserved well.

            But voting got justices in place to enact rulings that decriminalized sodomy in 2003. Literally it was illegal to be gay in a bunch of states prior to 2003. Just as not voting let Trump install justices that removed abortion access.

            Your right to a same-sex marriage (2015 ruling, very recent, only 36/50 states allowed same-sex marriage prior to that ruling and of course after 2003) and even being with someone of the same-sex (2003 ruling) are both Supreme Court rulings that can easily be repealed just as Roe v Wade was. I want everyone’s right to love who they want to be enshrined in the constitution, but until it is same-sex relationships are somewhat vulnerable. Voting and political action are the only way to enable your rights to remain forever. And voting is ez pz you just tick a few boxes for the person that doesn’t want to kill trans people.

            You are correct; your life will continue whether or not you vote. But the quality of life is greatly impacted by the will of the people, which is gauged through voting. And the quality of life of other groups (people transitioning) are in danger right now

            • There’s a thing where previously oppressed minorities get their rights, and then they start to forget that there are other oppressed minorities that still need their rights.

              For example, Irish people were often oppressed a century ago in the US, but they’re just more white guys. That why Bill O’Reilly could go on Fox News in the early 2000s and say “my Irish ancestors pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, why can’t black people?”

              Solidarity cannot be taken for granted.

  •  7heo   ( ) 
    4 months ago


    First off, it better not. If you think “Genocide Joe” is bad for palestine, try “Bloodbath drumpf”… I mean, maybe it is better to die violently and fast than slowly? But either way, whatever the pro-palestine movement is after, the democrats are their best choice, and by far. The alternative not only got stronger ties with the netanyahu government, but also a much lower overall IQ, zero consideration for legislation, international agreements, humanitarian matters, and democracy in general (which they have literally confused with the opposition party, for decades by now). You might not like biden, but from a humanitarian PoV, he is orders of magnitude better than anyone the GoP might select (and especially more so if it is drumpf).

    Second off, I get that people are trying to “send a message”, but if it changes nothing aside from vanity numbers, it will have absolutely zero impact. The impact was “voting for Bernie”, and that is about 8 years too late now.

    • Assuming I’m understanding correctly, only a few states allow people to vote in a primary for a party that they’re not registered as. Honestly, I’m not sure why any states still allow that, because I wouldn’t want any registered Republicans voting in the Democratic primary any more than the other way around.

      • its not exactly as easy as it sounds, as if youre in a different party (e.g no party preference) you have to make a follow up request for another ballot of another party. the ballot doesnt get mailed in with the initial ballot. its effectively block anyone wanting the easy way to do it, over the mail at the least.

    • The democratic party in my state puts money and campaign assistance behind smaller local races (congressional, state legislature, and small local races) based on primary numbers. My county has about 0.7x dem primary voters vs. our rep primary voters. As we’re finally turning blue enough that we might win a race here and there, we’re getting a lot more assistance from the larger dem strongholds in the state. My congressional rep is doing more events in my county instead of focusing on the bigger cities in their district. It’s all a snowball effect. More engagement by dems in the primaries means more focus on campaigns in my area means bigger dem voter turnout in my area, and the cycle builds upon itself. If I vote republican in the primaries to be a spoiler, the dem party just sees my county shifting further right. Plus, my primary vote actually helps decide on my dem candidates in my region. It’s a whole lot more than just one office.

  •  lorty   ( ) 
    4 months ago

    And here I was thinking the uncommited movement meant something might be done. If you are still calling for Biden, then why even bother voting uncommitted? Why pretend to dissent if you’ll fall in line when it matters?

    •  spujb   ( ) OP
      114 months ago

      i know you probably hear this a lot, but i encourage you not to do so. until we have ranked choice voting, voting for the democrat candidate in the general will always be a needed form of harm reduction, especially if you live in a swing state.

      others are probably better at expressing this than i, so i’ll leave it at that. :)

      • No thanks.

        They’re doing an awful job of harm reduction and I’m not waiting for fundamental systemic changes to the country’s election process to withhold support from the party that’s rug pulled me for 24 years.

        The best time to stop supporting the democrats and put my energy elsewhere was 2000, the second best time is now.

        I will also never vote for Joe Biden for any position again.

            •  spujb   ( ) OP
              14 months ago

              don’t get me wrong, democrats can eat dirt the majority of the time 😭 bunch of war criminals and capitalist scum. but in the end, after doing organizing and grassroots stuff, when it comes down to the final say, i personally try to make the choice that will be the most pragmatically beneficial (or least harmful, as it tends to be) to my neighbors.

        •  spujb   ( ) OP
          34 months ago

          i have heard this argument a couple times and honestly haven’t been swayed by it. let me know if i’ve been hearing the argument from the wrong sources but it’s such a tough position to defend when i know for a fact that each vote i make can have a direct influence on the livelihood of my neighbors.

          •  magicbeans   ( ) 
            4 months ago

            harm reduction as a specific thing. The best example of it is needle exchanges and safe injection rooms for addicts. you recognize that the bad thing is happening, and you do what you can to mitigate the harm that comes from the bad thing. The bad thing is bad people being in power. what you can do to mitigate that is engaging in mutual aid and community organizing around issues that are affecting you locally. voting for a Democrat or Republican won’t stop the bad things from happening. The Democrats have brought us to the point where Trump is seen as reasonable by half the electorate. The Democrats have shared power with the Republicans for the past hundred years as fascism has taken over the government. voting for them doesn’t reduce the harm that they cause.


            voting for Democrats is like giving out free Suboxone and saying at least it’s not heroin. That’s not harm reduction. harm reduction is recognizing that the addicts are going to use the substance of their choice and making that as safe as possible.

            •  spujb   ( ) OP
              4 months ago

              harm reduction [is] a specific thing. The best example of it is needle exchanges and safe injection rooms for addicts. you recognize that the bad thing is happening, and you do what you can to mitigate the harm that comes from the bad thing. The bad thing is bad people being in power.

              these first sentences of yours follow perfectly into the following thesis:

              “What you can do to mitigate that is engaging in mutual aid and community organizing, and when the opportunity to do that ends, to also vote for the candidate which does the least harm.

              There is room to hold both truths at once. If Trump had not won in 2016, the supreme court would have an entirely different makeup, we’d still have Roe v Wade, and there would be fewer women and doctors fearing legal persecution for taking medically necessary action in cases like ectopic pregnancy.. You recognize that someone bad was going to get elected in 2016, but only one of those rolled back basic women’s rights. Harm reduction. And that’s just one example of many. There is nothing about voting a handful of times a year that precludes you from also also organizing and participating in mutual aid.

    • Forgive me if, when presented with the trolley problem and the person on track b would die anyways if I did not pull the lever, if I pulled that lever instead of ignoring everything and/or jumping off a cliff. The political situation is bleak here, and the machine is designed to keep Americans placated, disenfranchised, and generally apathetic. We don’t have coalition voting. We don’t have ranked choice, and it’s even banned in certain states! If there’s a proper alternative to Biden in this country, that information has to be disseminated to hundreds of millions and convince them to change their vote. It’s possible that someone could come along but they’d have to work fast I sure as hell don’t see anyone with that kind of rallying power. Do you have any suggestions on who I should vote for?.. Because my choice is first and foremost in the interest of overall harm reduction in whatever practical terms that can actually be accomplished in this country.

      Declining to vote in this system is, effectively, silently endorsing whoever gets in; it signals that you’re ok with everything, or at least it gets interpreted that way by politicians 100x more than any sort of “protest” effect you think not voting will achieve. Literally if you don’t vote for a politician why should they care what the fuck you think? One party doesn’t even want us voting at all because it means they can give less of a fuck about us! Frankly, I don’t want to see the orange man in office again, and he will be worse than even self-professed Zionist Joe on matters pertaining to the rest of the world. Again, I’m open to an alternative if you can give me one that’s not sticking my head in the sand or some fetishistic “revolution” way too many people pine for without having a single ounce of solidarity in their real lives.

      • If it wasn’t for the overpowered military industrial complex and veto in the security council, I’m pretty sure we’d have a no fly zone and democratic transition in the US by now.

    • So many years I’ve heard Americans complain, rightly so, about the duopoly farming your insecurities for profits. Each cycle the duopoly gets worse and worse. Again we’re at a point where it seems they can’t stoop any lower, and again most seemingly progressive Americans suddenly become incredibly pragmatist, excusing genocide, destruction of the environment, war in Europe, cold war 2.0, because “the alternative is worse”. Fuck that from the rest of the world that has to live under your megalomanic geriatric child killing leaders. You need to find a solution, and voting for the lesser evil just ain’t it, because it is already so incredible destructive and outright barbarian. Make a third way, engage Trump voters on their home turf, make a revolution, I don’t care, just leave us the fuck alone. Thank you.

  • It’s so unfathomable to me to think you cannot send a message by having an opinion, only by using an indirect possible half message via an entirely different channel used for other things? It’s crazy talking to think political officers don’t understand or know what people ask for, but they will understand this? It’s coming from ignorance or do people actually not understand?

    •  spujb   ( ) OP
      54 months ago

      none of my recent posts have been removed as far as i am aware. one has been locked because the comments were out of control.

      it might be that your local instance is moderating some of my posts, i think that is a thing that can happen on lemmy.