What are your favorite time travel episodes? Also what are your least favorite?

  • PIC season 2 has a lot of moments I enjoy. Ito Aghayere’s Guinan not being just a 100% copy/paste younger version of Whoopi Goldberg’s Guinan, but still being believable as the character. Seven’s enjoyment at not being treated and feared like a Borg for the first time in her adult life (life threatening situation from the alternate future aside). Raffi being confused at a mugger wanting “her wallet,” and then Raffi mugging the mugger, lol. Really, all of Seven and Raffi’s scenes in L. A. after they leave the La Sirena to search for the Watcher.

    DSC season 2 finale, “Such Sweet Sorrow.” The desperate battle. Admiral Cornwell. The goodbyes, that beautiful scene of Discovery following Burnham, with that magnificent music score. That episode always touches my heart.

    DS9’s “Little Green Men” s4e8 and “Trials and Tribble-lations” s5e6 are well done fun.

    TNG’s “Yesterday’s Enterprise” s3e15 is great. Whoa, that battle at the end, the Enterprise-D against those Klingon Birds of Prey. I know how it won’t end – meaning an end to TNG, but in the moment it’s hard to believe how it won’t end.

    TAS’ “Yesteryear” s1e2. I think it’s an episode well worth watching. And, it reaffirms that Sarek and Amanda seriously know how to keep secrets (Sybok, Micheal Burnham), because they must have had some suspicions about how much cousin Selek was like adult Spock.

    While those are my favorites, the good thing is that I enjoy the time travel episodes that I didn’t list here, too.