This actually kinda sucks on Linux. Shit started blinking out of nowhere and wouldn’t respect the chosen scaling options. I added a launch parameter to the .desktop file and that fixed it but it’s so hacky and people have been reporting the problem on the beta github for months with no fixes. Also Adwaita For Steam skin is broken now and it doesn’t look like the rest of my desktop anymore. That one’s minor but still.
I used it in beta a little bit, reverted over minor issues that needed ironing out. Then there’s my buddy, who spent hours trying to figure out what the hell was causing it to crash. He eventually figured it out though. For any poor soul who finds this comment looking for answers, sudo pacman -Rns xdg-desktop-portal-gtk fixed it for him.
Well, I am glad it works for you (not being sarcastic). Everything was just fine on my PC and now it’s not though, and like I said I’m not the only one if you look on github. The 4k monitor scaling has been broken for a very long time.
This actually kinda sucks on Linux. Shit started blinking out of nowhere and wouldn’t respect the chosen scaling options. I added a launch parameter to the .desktop file and that fixed it but it’s so hacky and people have been reporting the problem on the beta github for months with no fixes. Also Adwaita For Steam skin is broken now and it doesn’t look like the rest of my desktop anymore. That one’s minor but still.
For me it’s overall much better on Linux now.
Hm, this doesn’t match my experience on PopOS. I haven’t seen a single issue, and it looks quite nice.
I used it in beta a little bit, reverted over minor issues that needed ironing out. Then there’s my buddy, who spent hours trying to figure out what the hell was causing it to crash. He eventually figured it out though. For any poor soul who finds this comment looking for answers,
sudo pacman -Rns xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
fixed it for him.Well, I am glad it works for you (not being sarcastic). Everything was just fine on my PC and now it’s not though, and like I said I’m not the only one if you look on github. The 4k monitor scaling has been broken for a very long time.
Ah, I’m at 1080, so maybe that’s the important difference. Hope they fix it for y’all soon.
Me too, I have no problem at all on PopOs