• Yessh…is this a lack of compassion or empathy. I have a feeling it’s the latter that cause the former. They can’t see past their own lives and that lead them to think anyone that needs help isn’t doing enough. Besides all that giving food for free to children shouldn’t even be a issue. Hell is shouldn’t matter rich or poor kids at school should just be feed. This program in the grand scheme wouldn’t even cost that much (as other countries have proven)

    • It’s worse. They enjoy hurting people. Conservatives are broken, wretched souls who delight in violence and cruelty. They’re only happy when they get to watch somebody suffer, so they seek to increase the amount of suffering in the world.

    • They certainly didn’t lack compassion. Like, if you were one of theirs, they’d give you the shirt off their back and infinite second chances. 2 of the kindest, most caring people you’d ever meet… But yeah, they were also very capable of dehumanizing people and not giving a damn.

          • Exactly. Kids at school are a statistic that cost money. They’re not seeing the kids behind the statistic, just the cost.

            Maybe democrats should start spoofing the feed-the-starving-kids-in-Africa videos.

            <video of some balding white guy sitting surrounded by kids in a school cafeteria, looking sad and hungry>“For just twenty five cents a day, you could feed these kids… and it would mean so much to them, but you have to vote for assholes, who hate actual Americans.”

      • Compassion goes well beyond those you see as family. The fact that they actually complained about children getting free breakfast at school, of all places, proves that they weren’t compassionate. They take care of the people close to them, and ONLY the people close to them.